Research & Innovation is the DNA of Loiretech.
Loiretech is strongly involved in European R&D project with an annual budget equal to 7% of the company turnover.
This mind state has allowed a fast evolution durign thelast 10 years and being recognized a world leader on manufacturing innovative technologies.
Loiretech current implication in European collaborative projects :
- Integradde : Fabrication additive métallique pour la production de peaux de moules INVAR. Intelligent data-driven pipeline for the manufacturing of certified metal parts through Direct Energy Deposition process
- SimuTool : H2020 project to develop microwave fast curing technology for composites
- Flex : Cleansky project to answer the need of flexible curing tooling

Product Innovation
Composite propeller.
Composite blades innovation at Loiretech :
- Ship propellers : FABHELI project
- Tidal turbine blades : HOBIT project

Process innovation for Part manufacturing
- Out of autoclave process
- Automated preforming
- Thermoplastic composites parts manufacturing
- Assembly of thermoplastics

Process innovation for Tooling manufacturing
- Composite additive manufacturing : Faramir project.